propel-your-career-pusateri-psp-prismAre you thriving in your career?

Are you blazing your own trail or allowing chance and circumstance to define it for you?
Do you know where you want to go, who you need to help you get there, and how to position yourself against your competition for the next step in your career?

If you are fuzzy on the answers to these questions, it’s time to take action and start your own personal strategic planning process.

From defining your personal value to putting a plan in action, you will learn fundamentals of Personal Strategic Planning to propel your career.

The PRISM Framework is based on the 12 Ps of Personal Strategic Planning, which are:

  1. Perspective: Before you can define your purpose or perfect next step, you have to take stock of where you are today, from your Mindset, Attitude, Drive, and Empathy, when you start with perspective, you’ve got it M.A.D.E.
  2. Personal Value: Your unique personality, traits, experience, and skills that add value.
  3. Passion: Your passion for what you do is the single most influential aspect of your performance. Find your passion in order to unleash your personal power.
  4. Problems: These are the problems you see around you that you can solve
  5. People: Stakeholders in your success include your customers, colleagues, mentors, mentees, friends, fans, family, partners, influencers, and prospects.
  6. Purpose: When you know your personal value, the problems you can solve for the people you want to work with, you’ve found your purpose.
  7. Positioning: Defining the value you bring in the context of alternative solutions or competition.
  8. Planning & Practice: Getting from where you are today to where you want to go, one focus area at a time.  We are all a work in progress. There are a multitude of ways to practice refining your soft skills and technical skills to achieve your purpose.
  9. Prioritize: You can’t do it all well, so as you work through the PSP Prism you will
  10. Promotion: You are your best advocate. While it may be uncomfortable, you have to promote your success and value in order to propel your career.
  11. Praise: In order to achieve our greatest victories, we have to be our own best cheerleaders, instead of being our own toughest critics. Praise yourself for success and praise others for their part in your success. Show gratitude.
  12. Progress: Evaluate success and lessons learned and measure your progress by reviewing each area of your life goals in the areas of career, relationships, wealth, health, and community.

Christa Pusateri is on a mission to help cybersecurity professionals overcome stereotypes and take a proactive approach to personal strategic planning. She has been known as a dynamic, confident, and interesting speaker with a passion for bringing her sales and marketing experience to cyber security professionals to provide a diverse perspective in thriving in the cyber security field. Christa currently serves as the President of ISSA Tampa Bay Chapter and is helping to build the exclusive CISO Coalition, a confidential and collaborative environment for information security executives from enterprises with more than $100M in revenue to vet, validate and verify their approaches to the most pressing security challenges.

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